God’s Gathering Place 9-22-21

     Our story (article from Vilas County News)
     Just over four years ago, on a sunny summer morning, a group of Christians gathered together on a patio overlooking Buckatabon Lake to begin a worshiping journey that would eventually become the non-denominational Bible Church called God’s Gathering Place, located in Conover. This group of over 30 Christians had been worshiping together for over 15 years, some of them much longer than that.

     Sunday services on that patio, at the home of one of their parishioners, lasted until the weather turned cold. Then another member of the group stepped forward to offer their airplane hangar at Land O’ Lakes airport as a place to hold services. Sunday after Sunday the group met faithfully, trusting God to lead them according to His plan for their fellowship. Not knowing where they would end up, or even if they would eventually form an actual church, the group started referring to themselves by their location instead.

     “A building is not the church. The Bible refers to the church as the body of believers. The building is simply the place where believers gather. Hence, we chose the name “God’s Gathering Place” to define us because it didn’t matter where we met, only that we gathered together to worship each week.” explained Bill Lochte, Church Chairman.

     Before the snow fell that winter the group of believers had remodeled and moved into a more permanent location at 720 N. Hwy 45 in Conover, where they are still located today. In the ensuring years the fellowship of believers finally did form a church with 501C3 status, however, they have kept their “simple, authentic form of worship” as their first and foremost priority. What this means, quite simply, is that there is no dogma or man-made customs or rituals, just simple, joyful worship that embraces collective and personal prayer, songs of praise, and a message from the Bible.

    “What makes us unique,” continued Bill Lochte, “is the personal touch of our services. For instance, In our prayer time at the beginning of each service we pray personally for any needs or concerns voiced by people in attendance at our service,  whether they are members or not. And we take time to ask our fellowship what praises they have for who God is, how He has answered prayer, and how He has blessed them in the past week. Everyone is invited to participate and we truly care for the needs of each other.”

    To this day God’s Gathering Place has not called its own pastor. However, in the four plus years of meeting weekly, the group, which has grown considerably, has depended upon God’s grace to provide a preacher at each of its services. Retired pastors from both in and out of the area, missionaries from around the world, and a variety of Christian teachers take turns leading the message at the church each Sunday. The message, and the way it is delivered each week, is another way the church service is unique.

     “We believe the Bible is the true and final Word of God,” said Bill Lochte, “and to individually draw closer to God and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Saviour, we need to continually study the Word of God and its meaning in our lives. Hence, our sermons are interactive. Everyone worshiping with us is free to ask questions or add comments as we learn together. In our services we are not preached to, we are all learning together about God and how He wants us to live our lives as Christians.”

     No offering is taken at the church. Instead there is a jar in the Fellowship room where people can leave an offering or tithe as they desire and as God leads them. The offerings have been plentiful. So much so that the church assists in providing for a missionary family that reaches out to the Muslim community in the Chicago area. Plus, each quarter a different mission group is focused on, such as an orphanage in Haiti or different missionaries around the globe, and parishioners offer extra funds as moved by God. Locally, the church collects cans of soup for the homeless shelter, Sunshine for Humanity, in Eagle River as well as specific paper goods for the food pantry in Land O’Lakes.

     God’s Gathering Place defines its purpose as “Seek His Face, Share His love”, and as such has numerous activities that the church is involved in. There are two ladies Bible Studies each week, one Men’s Bible Study, a Discipleship program, and a Thursday night prayer group. The Outreach Committee participates in meals for Northwoods Share in Eagle River, as well as preparing boxes for Samaritan’s Purse “Operation Christmas Child” each year. The Benevolence Funds helps out local families in need. Activities such as weekly bike rides throughout the summer and game nights during the fall and winter months, plus a newsletter emailed to everyone each week, help keep the fellowship involved and connected.

     “Everyone is invited to our services held at 9:30 every Sunday morning. “stated Bill Lochte. “We are a caring, joyful fellowship that loves serving the Lord and sharing His love with others. Come and join us, we will welcome you with open arms.”  For more information about the church please contact Bill Lochte at 715-891-6096.