Mission Notes

Quarterly missions are missionaries or missions that your Mission Committee chooses each quarter to learn more about and to support financially and with prayer. Seed money is provided from the Mission Committee’s budget and attenders at God Gathering Place donate if or as the Lord leads. Any monies given during that quarter designated for missions is sent by our treasurer to that specific missionary or missions after the quarter has ended.

Our Quarterly Mission – December, January, February
Pastor Wisly Bregis in Port de Paix, Haiti – he has a church there and a school for local children. The children receive not only an education but also two meals a day, when funds allow. Earlier this year there was a drought and therefore crops did not grow. Now, during their rainy season, whatever is left is getting washed away. Reports share that some people are starving. After a church in Iron River sent funds in November, Pastor Bregis wrote saying, " the people in the community take the food as a great miracle from God. Everywhere I pass in the community, people stop me to thank God and to ask God to pour blessings on the donors of the food."  Now we have an opportunity to help meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in Haiti.

Our Year-Round Missionaries – Your Mission Committee has selected two missionaries/missions that we support year-round from the Mission budget monies received.

1.)     Jon and Rachel Doriot  – They serve with Pioneers, reaching out to Muslims in the Chicagoland area with the good news of Jesus Christ. They have a newcomer and immigrant ministry as well as being involved in coaching and mentoring.

2.)     Haven  of Hope - This is a children’s home in Haiti run by Don Shire Ministries.   
They currently provide safety and care for 56 children, seeking to keep them from becoming a gang member or a slave to gangs. The American staff are onsite when unrest has decreased and removed offsite when it increases. When Don visited the home in October, he said many of the children came to him thanking him for providing a safe home for them.  Read monthly updates and learn more at www.dsminternational.org.  

2024 spring
 mission trip in May to Gitche Gumee Bible Camp was a great success.  Eight individuals from God’s Gathering Place were able to join the volunteer work crew from many other churches to accomplish a multitude of tasks getting the camp ready for their ministry season.