Mission Notes

Quarterly missions are missionaries or missions that your Mission Committee chooses each quarter to learn more about and to support financially and with prayer. Seed money is provided from the Mission Committee’s budget and attenders at God Gathering Place donate if or as the Lord leads. Any monies given during that quarter designated for missions is sent by our treasurer to that specific missionary or missions after the quarter has ended.

Our Quarterly Mission  – September, October, November
Josiah Venture – Noah, Jill, Hazel, and baby boy Ellenwood serve in Montenegro providing an evangelistic outreach in this country to the youth and young adults living there. They work in conjunction with the local church and have seen God work as they spend time interacting with and in discipleship training with individuals. In mid-August they traveled to the Czech Republic to await the birth of their son. Because Jill has needed to be on bedrest most of this pregnancy they will stay with Noah’s parents and Noah will travel back and forth as needed. Part of the extra funds in the Mission Budget for this year was sent to the Ellenwood’s to help provide funds to allow a group of 6 young men to travel with Noah from Montenegro to the Josiah Venture International Conference at their main training facility in the Czech Republic in September. The theme this year is “Word Formed: to be spiritually formed by God’s Word, instead of by the world”. There will be training and in-depth discussion on how to be Christ-centered, discipleship-minded, spiritual leaders in their communities. 

Our Year-Round Missionaries – Your Mission Committee has selected two missionaries/missions that we support year-round from the Mission budget monies received.

Jon and Rachel Doriot  – They serve with Pioneers, reaching out to Muslims in the Chicagoland area with the good news of Jesus Christ. They have a newcomer and immigrant ministry as well as being involved in coaching and mentoring.

2.)    Haven  of Hope - This is a children’s home in Haiti run by Don Shire Ministries.  The program includes a daycare center for 10 special ministry needs children and children in challenging circumstances. The American staff are again onsite as the unrest has decreased some. The additional children from the other orphanage have been able to move to another facility as their facility is rebuilt. There are currently a total of 27 children at the orphanage. The government has told them that there will be an additional 10 children arriving soon and they will be at capacity. Learn more at www.dsminternational.org.

The mission committee hosted Don and Kathy Shire on September 4th . Don shared ministry updates from Haiti, India, and Poland/Ukraine with our fellowship and the community during a time of worship.

 Mission Trip
The mission trip in May to Gitche Gumee Bible Camp was a great success.  Eight individuals from God’s Gathering Place were able to join the volunteer work crew from many other churches to accomplish a multitude of tasks getting the camp ready for their ministry season.